Help A Bright Future Forensic Pathology Student Attend College

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I created this page in order to find kindhearted souls that are interested in helping a deserving child go to college.

Please be assured that this is degrading to me. However, I am at my wits end in order to ensure that my child gets a proper education.

I am a single mother of two wonderful children. My oldest has been excepted into the University of Florida this Fall Term. I do not stay at home, nor do I live on the government, I do not own a car or anything such as that. I do work fulltime. However, my salary is not enough to accomplish this feat.

Unfortunately, scholarships and grants were not awarded because it was deemed that I made too much money last year.. I made under $35,000 while supporting two children.

Two loans were taken out to finance his education, that still is not enough. This is a bright student who is hard working, talented and gifted. My son wants to be a Forensic Pathologist when he graduates.

If you are interested in sending anytype of monetary gift* that can assist my child with going to college and forefilling this dream, please contact me at my email address. Anyone that contributes a gift will receive regular updates and pictures as to my son's educational progress as long as a return address or email is provided.

This is for serious inquires only, so please only contact me if your intent is a bona fide and legitimate offer.

*Check with your accountant to see if this gift qualifies as tax-deductible.

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